Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Twitter Digest

  • Reality of finance is simple math. Eventually, the probabilities play themselves out and the dice come up snake eyesbit.ly/xQ5llu
  • Business schools lure recruiters from smaller firms bit.ly/LsLGLQ
  • Math Becomes Music: What Pi Sounds Like - Culture - GOOD bit.ly/JXbM5v
  • Funny Tweets About Facebook IPO - Business Insider bit.ly/L0Ysy5
  • The Indian Outsourcing Issue Is Back - Businessweek bit.ly/J8dhvv
  • Who is JPMorgan's Irv Goldman? - Businessweek bit.ly/KVzT6l
  • Be nice to people because you never know where they’ll be one day bit.ly/J86XEm