Friday, May 4, 2012

interjection imbalance

Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan’s CEO attended Business school at Harvard. As the school is known for its case method, there are countless sessions where the students interact with the professors teaching the classes and they go into deep discussions with each other about anything and everything(hopefully related to business)
On one occasion, Jamie was speaking and another student began wildly waving a wand; Dimon turned around and said – “can you put your f***ing hand down and let me finish talking?.”  

Asking question is important. If someone is an incompetent, chances are that they didn’t ask enough questions.
But good learners understand the difference between healthy interjections and interruptions. Raising your hand for the sake of raising your hand and being loud is not going to do you any good. It’s the quality of the argument and not the quantity of hand raises that make an impression.

Be sure to question everything in your life. The balance between interjection and interruption is something everyone needs to achieve.