Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Twitter Digest

  • How they rebuilt Stonehenge bit.ly/JlKDbB
  • 5 Futuristic Technologies Invented in the Wrong Century | Cracked.com - StumbleUpon bit.ly/MDxq2g
  • Dear New York Times & Wall Street Journal: How About Some Sensible Digital Subscription Pricing? bit.ly/IXzMcj
  • What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets - The Barnes & Noble Review bit.ly/KbRGU4
  • » 20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life :zenhabits bit.ly/g9iHgk
  • 13 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Decision-Making — PsyBlog bit.ly/J7ZNjs