Stuff to live life by

1. A friend in college used to regularly tell me to “Never date the pretty girl who knows she’s pretty.” Extrapolated out to the professional world, I’ve found this to be excellent advice. Those who think very highly of themselves tend to make for poor employees, partners, service providers, friends, spouses, etc.

2. No one succeeds on their own. Avoid those who believe they have (or will).

3. Failing is the best way to learn. Being scared to fail directly correlates with being scared to learn.

4. People are irrational, but in surprisingly predictable ways. Knowing how makes you far less susceptible the unpleasant emotions that often accompany the discovery of such irrationality.

5. Being genuinely interested in other people is very powerful and highly enjoyable. I can’t recommend it enough.

6. Spending time with people who have things really, really rough can help remind you about the relative importance of that person who was mean to you on Twitter.

7. The web is a vast and wonderful place, and exploring it with an open mind that’s desperate for inspiration can lead to amazing things.

8.Nothing worth having comes easy. Relationships (of all kinds) take work. Customers take work. Building a team takes work. If it’s easy, it’s often not worth having and almost never a competitive advantage.

9.Money doesn’t change who a person is, it just shows you who they always were at their real core.

10. Know that there is always, ALWAYS, someone out there better at what you do than you are – and keep striving to surpass them.

11. The true Zen in climbing the mountain is not reaching the top, but in the journey itself.

12. Never be satisfied. The bar always gets raised. If what you’re doing is working, do more of it, as fast as you can, as much as you can.

13. Never forget where you came from.

14. Never confuse book smarts with street smarts.

15. You don’t know everything. No one expects you to know everything. Don’t ever pretend to know everything.

16. Always talk like everyone is listening. Because you never know who actually is

17. The opposite of love is not hate – it’s apathy. Learn to be more apathetic when the issue at hand won’t be one you think of on your death bed.

18. Sometimes people won’t understand your dedication to living the life most people won’t live now to live the life most people can’t live later. Fuck em. You answer to you (and your immediate family).

19. Self knowledge you can actually use is power.

20. Work from home? Get up, get dressed. You’ll feel better. You’ll be more productive. Your spouse will remember why they married you more.

21. Don’t buy a new business book if that last one you purchased is still sitting on your shelf unread. Pick up the unread book and read it.

22. If you make a mistake, own up to it – quickly and humbly. The mistake will eventually be forgotten – your reaction to it won’t be.

23.Everything you own should be something you either love dearly or use yearly.

24.You will know true love on the outside, when you know true love on the inside

25. Every person has a story that would blow your f’n mind. No exceptions

I’ve either come up with these myself, or stolen them from RAE, MOZ DD