Monday, May 7, 2012

making history

A lot has changed over the past two decades. Most of us are familiar with paperless technology and its impact to the world. Everything used to be print at one time, but now everything seems to be done online (ironically global paper consumption hasn’t fallen). I myself don’t keep anything from my past in paper form, mostly because I like to travel light and my lifestyle has been nomadic and I’m tech savvy enough to have found Dropbox / Googledocs early on and stored everything there.In fact, when I’m at work, I toss most of my paperwork out if I don’t use it within a few months.
So this begs the question, why bother keeping anything? Notes from the past, prints that you might use someday, but you know you never will.
It’s not our ego that drives us to do such things, but a desire to make history; and read it over and over again someday hoping to pass it on to our future generations. But if you do achieve success in life, make sure you keep track of it because making history isn’t easy and keeping track is even harder.