- First World Problems Anthem http://bit.ly/VRli0K
- With Smartphone Deals, Patents Become a New Asset Class -http://NYTimes.com http://note.io/RM9wTq
- "£1m isn't rich anymore": the rise and fall of investment banking. Brief history lesson. http://note.io/SZuF9V
- Pity the Plutocrats - http://NYTimes.com http://note.io/SZusDE
- As Rial Slides, So Do Iranians’ Dreams - http://NYTimes.com http://note.io/SZun31
- Why Polaroid Was the Apple of Its Time | Wired Design |http://Wired.com http://note.io/SZtI1j
- Why Data Will Never Replace Thinking - Justin Fox - Harvard Business Review http://note.io/RM8RBJ
- Hi-tech toilets could mean big businesshttp://flpbd.it/Atscw
- And this was how Russians celebrated Putin's 58th birthday. http://flpbd.it/7dWy9