Friday, June 22, 2012

which way?

Every experience counts, makes a difference, regardless of if it’s at the workplace, at home or in society. Today I’m here to tell you that all you have to do is live and not just exist. Most people just exist; they go to work, hoping that the day will come to an end, they go home and sit on the couch and hope that their relationships with their spouse, parents, kids, extended family will keep them occupied. Monotony plagues them, and the only difference between today and tomorrow is passing time itself. The path they are on is complacency, and which path to take after that, they don’t know.
But which paths to take isn’t what everyone should be concerned with. When you’re lost, any direction is the right one. All you have to do take a step, make a move in any direction. Most people will stop right there and think-‘What if that’s the wrong path to take?’ To that I say, any experience in life, good or bad is still better than complacency.

Stop existing, start living. A path less understood is still better than not walking at all.

-Prashant Khorana