Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
· Smith & Wesson Presents: America's Obsession With Guns - Business Insider
· Rare Vintage Pictures Of Superstars Hanging Out Together
· Ann Curry Leaves the Today Show - Dealing With a Demotion - At Work - WSJ
· Industries Profiting From Obesity - Business Insider
· INCREDIBLE | Your E-Book Is Reading You #BIGDATA
· Bad Karma: Can Yoga and Capitalism Get Along? - Lifestyle - GOOD
· Why Geniuses Are 'Quietly Brilliant' - Business Insider
· The Life Of Michael Lewis - Business Insider
· The 15 WORST Sounds In The World - Business Insider
· Top 10 Women's Tennis Players Grunts - Business Insider
· Lipstick, the Recession and Evolutionary Psychology | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network
Thursday, June 28, 2012
[chart]Strategy vs. Execution
One of my favorite topics to discuss has always been strategy and execution. I’m not surprised that we talk and strategize too much in current times, but execute very little since books seem to mentioning strategy a lot more these days.
Here’s a google Ngram chart which searches for words through books over time. So, are you ‘strategizing’ or ‘executing’?
Via: Ngram
All that glisters is not gold
All that glitters is not gold is actually – “All that glisters is not gold” William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, act II, scene 7.
If Shakespeare was still alive, he would be very upset with this typical corruption. But this begs the question whether such corruptions are necessarily a bad thing?
When things change or get ‘corrupted’ to something else or go ‘viral’ after, it actually makes it a good thing instead. But no one can predict which corruptions are actually useful, and which are not.
The only thing certain in life are death and taxes, and all else requires taking risks. So I’ll leave it up to you to ‘corrupt or not’.
-Prashant Khorana
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
- BBC News - Blade Runner: Which predictions have come true?
- The 15 Maps That Explain The World In 2012 - Business Insider
- Survey reveals almost half of men would rather give up their sex life than lose their …
- The First Weight-Loss Drug In 13 Years Has Been Approved
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
FW: The Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs
Posted on: Monday, June 25, 2012 11:04 AM
Author: Jason Sylva
Subject: The Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is among America's greatest business leaders. He transformed industries, changed society, and altered how companies do business. After his best-selling biography of Jobs came out, author Walter Isaacson saw many commentators focus on Jobs' personality — without understanding how he led. Listen as Isaacson and Harvard Business Review Editor Adi Ignatius talk about the keys to Jobs' success, and the lessons that leaders of any organization can use in their own work. |
Conundrum of Hipsters
Well, if you take sunglasses as an example, I don't know about you, but I usually stick with a classic pair of black aviators most days, and would never wear anything else to work. But instead, yesterday I was sporting my yellow framed pair, and well, I was a hipster. But if I was following suit with the hipsters, it made me wonder if everyone followed suit in the same way, it eventually wouldn't be hipster anymore. Instead, the hipsters would flip to the standard pair of blacks, which at that point, won't be standard anymore.
Another example would be the launch of the gaming console Wii. When Wii entered the Microsoft Xbox and Sony Playstation dominated market, it made a hipster move. It went head on against Microsoft and Playstation with a console which was completely different and offered a unique experience, and eventually went on to become the most popular console of the year.
Leaders must realize that in competitive business markets, they must find ways to set themselves apart from everyone else. They must learn to bring new things to the markets where no one else competes, and unlearn them when everyone else catches up, therefore, be a true hipster.
So is your organization hipster enough?
FW: Where does trust come from?
Feed: Seth's Blog
Posted on: Saturday, June 23, 2012 5:39 AM
Author: Seth Godin
Subject: Where does trust come from?
Hint: it never comes from the good times and from the easy projects. We trust people because they showed up when it wasn't convenient, because they told the truth when it was easier to lie and because they kept a promise when they could have gotten away with breaking it. Every tough time and every pressured project is another opportunity to earn the trust of someone you care about. |
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Pen and Pencil Dilemma
Saturday, June 23, 2012
- In Praise of Leisure - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Number of the Week: The Marriage Penalty - Real Time Economics - WSJ
- Seth's Blog: Where does trust come from?
- The Long Wait for Donated Organs (Scaling)
- B-Schools That Churn Out Consultants | Poets and Quants
- Intermission: A Turing Tribute, in LEGOs - Culture - GOOD
- Asians Top of the Immigration Class
- U.S. complaint data puts spotlight on Capital One | Reuters
- 10 Brands That Will Disappear In 2013 - Business Insider
- I analyzed the chords of 1300 popular songs for patterns. This is what I found. | Blog – Hooktheory
Friday, June 22, 2012
- The Seven Transferable Lessons of Luxury: What Prestige Brands Can Teach Private Wealth Managers | Enterprising Invest…
- People Are Awesome: Meet the Book Tank, a 'Weapon of Mass Instruction' - Culture - GOOD
- Biggest Wall Street Intern Mistakes - Business Insider
- That+awkward+moment+when+Hitler+has+stolen+your+seat.jpg (500×606)
- Jeff Gundlach: Investment Cubism - Business Insider
- Lonely Hedge Fund Bullish on Greece Tries to Woo Investors - Bloomberg
Here's the awesome Canadian Lynx
which way?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
TOP 10 TED Videos
1. Ken Robinson on schools killing creativity - viewed nearly 11 million times
2. Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight - viewed 8.7 million times
3. Pranav Mistry on sixth sense technology - viewed 8.3 million times
4. Steve Jobs on how to live before you die - viewed 8.2 million times
5. David Gallow shows underwater astonishments - viewed 7.4 million times
6. Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense - viewed 6.4 million times
7. Simon Sinek on how great leaders inspire action - viewed 5.7 million times
8. Brene Brown on the power of vulnerability - viewed 5.1 million times
9. Arthur Benjamin does "Mathemagic" - viewed 4.2 million times
10. Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen - viewed 4.1 million times
Viewing figures as of 20 June 2012 on TED website
· What Makes Jeff Bezos Tick? A $42 Million Clock, for Starters
· Open Strategist: Reverse Innovation: Create Far From Home, Win Ever...
· Dating and Diet: Can a Meat Eater and a Vegan Be Happy Together? - Lifestyle - GOOD
· What Rising Gas Prices Mean for the Obesity Epidemic - Lifestyle - GOOD
· The Life Of Meredith Whitney - Business Insider
· Astronaut Ron Garan Reveals Details Of Space Mission - Business Insider
· U.S. Olympics Swimmer Ryan Lochte Prepares For 2012 Summer Olympics With Strongman Training Regiment - Business Insider
· Do Blondes Have More Fun? Research Reveals Which Of The Old Sayings Are True - Business Insider
· Big, Beautiful Photos Of The Hawaiian Island Larry Ellison Just Bought - Business Insider
· 25 Reasons Why Canada Rocks (PHOTOS)
· GDP since Jesus
· Health - Hans Villarica - Study of the Day: Why Crowded Coffee Shops Fire Up Your Creativity - The Atlantic
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
- Health Effects Of Caffeine [Infographic]
- Business - Derek Thompson - The Economic History of the Last 2,000 Years in 1 Little Graph - The Atlantic
- "Until then, remember: Greed is good, but good is better"
- HANDBALL: The Breakneck Sport You Have To Watch During The Olympics - Business Insider
- New Behind-The-Scenes Photos From Inside Obama's White House - Business Insider
- Chobani Spawned the Greek-Yogurt Craze, Starting With One Small New York Factory
FW: A lesson from a great architect
Feed: Seth's Blog
Posted on: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:04 AM
Author: Seth Godin
Subject: A lesson from a great architect
Architecture is a combination of sculpture and art and engineering and user interface. It is high tech and low tech at the same time, utilitarian and beautiful and virtually always budget constrained. But do you know what great architects understand? If you don't get it built, the work doesn't matter. Great architects are able to be great because they know how to sell their ideas to their clients. (Or, they know how to find clients who will build their ideas. Same thing.) If you're brilliant and undiscovered and underappreciated (in whatever field you choose), then you're being too generous about your definition of brilliant. |
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Reverse Innovation: Create Far From Home, Win Everywhere
Old thinking: Take existing products created for rich customers in developed markets and scale them down for emerging markets. New thinking: First develop innovative solutions that work for customers in poorer emerging markets, and then apply those innovations globally. Listen as Vijay Govindarajan discusses how reverse innovation is transforming the way leading companies are thinking about innovation and product development. View webinar: A conversation with Vijay Govindarajan. |
via: HBR(View article...)