Monday, February 6, 2012

Twitter Digest

  • A videographic exploring polling data on America's presidential race
  • “Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspiring.” - Lorrin L. Lee
  • Mattel ditches Merkel for footballer's wife | Video |
  • JFK’s teen mistress in explosive new tell-all -
  • WHAT NEXT? The Incredible History Of Secretive Swiss Banking
  • Open Strategist: Harry Potter Book/Movie Revenue
  • Americans Blow $3.4 Billion On Valentine's Dinner [INFOGRAPHIC]
  • How Marc Andreessen makes Silicon Valley magic — Tech News and Analysis
  • A Place of Excellence - Forbes
  • For A Clear Picture Of Facebook's Business, Look At These Charts
  • Open Strategist: LinkedIn and Buzzwords: Whats your pick?
  • France To Google: You'll Pay For Making That Free! - Forbes