Saturday, February 11, 2012

Common sense is not enough

Common sense is a repository of principles that work most of the time and for most of the people under most circumstances. But the reality is, most situations which require us to think in the first place are unique and never seen before, thus not common. The model of human beings are over simplified to apply common sense, and don't account for the complexities and paradoxes of human nature. Take the following for examples:

  • People like monetary incentives and will do whatever for more money
  • People understand what risk is and don't make emotional decisions
  • Everyone is good at analyzing themselves and understands their personal biases
If you live in the same reality as me, chances are none of the above hold true and they repeat themselves over and again. 
Leaders must understand far beyond common sense assumptions as situations require. Common sense is not enough and even in the busy world of today, we must find time for such complexities or otherwise succumb to providing common sense (aka ordinary) solutions.