Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don’t overcomplicate things ?

If you’re an out-of the box thinker(perhaps in-the box is better, whatever you prefer), you might be tempted try out new things that are genuine, not everyone is familiar with and forces people out of their complacency and think further and beyond their typical realm of understanding.
It might be something really useful, but the first reaction of the human blocking mechanism is to shun it by labeling it as 'too complicated'. Even if you build a formula which might be as simple as a x b x c, the ingenuity rejector might refuse to accept it immediately.
To counter such potential push back, spill the beans first and let everyone in the room know that “this is new, so please don’t discount it as being too complicated and hear me out first”. Then take the steps to be crystal clear of what the outcome would be and break it down in steps with an actual example. Ideas are worth sharing, and having them labeled as ‘too complicated’ is too much of a loss. 
If you’re on the other side of this equation and oversimplify everything, this is your chance to accept that intuition is dominated by facts 9/10 times. I don’t have a source for that one but lets just say that your intuition should easily grasp that.