Monday, February 27, 2012

Life's overhead costs

Everyday we are connected with people of some sort. Some of these people we like more than others and some not at all, but we still get by. This phenomenon exists at the workplace and in your personal life. At work you might connect with peers, subordinates, supervisors and in your personal life, your relationships with your family and extended family exhibit these rules as well.

Relationships that we don't appreciate are very much like life's Overhead Costs. If life would be a business, you would eventually run bankrupt for not building the relationships in your costs. Take that one step further and you'll realize that you can also achieve economies of scale on these life overhead costs. The more you foster and better utilize the relationships with friends, families and others, the more personal satisfaction you get.

Take a moment today to appreciate life's overhead costs. True satisfaction is only at a rocks throw if you factor those into your relationship balance sheet.