Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Information sharing dilemma

For all the voracious readers out there, you know that there’s a lot of information you consume everyday via a variety of channels, but how do you share it?

Let say you grab a piece of your twitter feed, open the page and decide that you need to share that content. You have two options:
  • Re-tweet the original comment
  • Share the page on your own twitter feed or on your own website
  • etc.
Considering that you source/cite the information properly, option B can be OK, but there is a certain generosity factor associated with option A. Perhaps the people who you retweet will remember you, but if they are re-tweeted often, perhaps they wont.
If everyone starts RT’ing my twitter posts, chances are I’ll forget them once the RT’s pass a certain level, hence the dilemma. Should you RT someone who will initially remember you, but eventually forget you?

The information sharing dilemma is something all of you will face every day and I’ll leave it up to you to decide how to share your ideas / thoughts, but keep the generosity factor in mind. Do no evil and build your social capital at the same time. Your digital footprint today is who you are. Don’t think that you can keep your real life separate from your digital life. You are what the google machine says you are.