Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm Hoping to lose

No one likes to lose. Can you think of the last time you said - "its just a game" when you won? Motivating yourself is extremely important, and justification is only one of the ways. But there is one specific time that you hope to lose and that's when you lose to people important to you. 

At work, I'm hoping for my team to be better than me everyday. I'm hoping that my team has better insights, analysis and makes better decisions than me. 

At home, I'm hoping that my siblings, parents and cousins do better than me and I lose to them in the game of life and they are successful in their endeavors. Parents are happy to lose to  their children and are proud of them when that happens. 

Losing to people you care for can be an amazing experience if you appreciate it. I hope you look forward to losing someday as well.