Thursday, March 15, 2012

Crazy enough?

Everyone has theories. Theories are just a fancy term for formalized opinions actually. But not all theories are valid and most of the time, it’s the persuasiveness of the person doing the delivery that is more important rather than the theory itself.

But as always, there is bound to be someone who will argue that your theory on whatever subject matter expertise you are discussing is crazy. But the question that divides us is not whether the theory is crazy or not, but instead, is it crazy enough.
Every time you suggest something not crazy enough, chances are it will get sidetracked and never gain enough exposure and hence never come to an actual test situation. But if its crazy enough, it will come under the spotlight, and seek instant validation. 

Crazy theories are not that common though, so next time you come up with one, make sure you voice it. Don't run away from crazy, embrace it.