Saturday, March 31, 2012

Seven Leadership lessons from Hunger Games

1. “Here’s some advice. Stay alive.”
There’s so many times when you may feel that life is dragging you down and you’ve got nothing else to lose. But staying alive is key. If everyone gave up along the way, and you didn’t, the battle is already your's. Having grit is key.

2. “Destroying things is much easier than making them.”
This is very true when you look at from the point of view of reputation. It takes years if not decades to build a reputation for yourself or for your organization, but it takes only one tiny mistake to destroy it. Pay attention to detail and if you make mistakes, make sure it doesn't destroy your credibility. Accept your mistake and move on.

3. “Stupid people are dangerous.”
Incompetent people are hard to find, but if you do find them around you, and considering the definition of incompetent is not asking the right questions, they can hurt your career and personal life. Don’t let them bring you down and coach them to be better. If that doesn't work, get away from them.

4. “They're already taking my future! They can't have the things that mattered to me in the past!”
No one can take away the lessons you learned in the past. But the question is, can you remember them and carry them with you? Even if you’re in the toughest of situations and decisions need to be made, always think back to what you know from before and apply that knowledge.

5. “If you appeal to the crowd, either by being humorous or brutal or eccentric, you gain favor.”
Every leader has a charismatic personality be it by the means of humor or eccentricity. Identify that one thing that helps you stand out from everyone else, and people will recognize you for it. When it comes time to make decisions about things, its not about who you know, but who knows you that matter.

6. "I stare in the mirror as I try to remember who I am and who I am not. "
Its easy to get lost down the path and forget where you started under the influence of circumstances. Don’t let your journey fool you. Always remember who you are and where you came from. Stand in front of a mirror today and reflect.

7. “Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”
Life isn’t about winning all the time, its about losing enough battles that make you strong enough to win the war. Its the things you do and helps you put the odds in your favour that count. Its easy to blame luck and forget, but if there's something that should give you hope, it should be the fact that life is still a game, and everyone plays.