Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life is like a Twitter Feed

We all have game faces. Sometimes we put on the nice ones, and other times the bad ones. In fact, its important to have a few game faces. Now I'm not suggesting you be someone that you're not, but merely pointing out that its good to watch your expressions and language in different situations.

But throwing on your game faces only in certain situations is not realistic. For example, if you want to portray yourself as educated and well read, consistently do so and build a continuum. Don't be someone else at work and someone else outside of work, you're bound to convey a mixed message to a common group of people that way.

This isn't too far from what a Twitter feed is like. You have to constantly share information and ideas that represent who you are(or who you want to be).

Life is just like Twitter, you never really know when someone else is watching.