Tuesday, September 18, 2012

spider-bites: Calculated risks

Four people die every year from spider bites. That’s four in the entire world, which is four out of seven billion(see here). It’s more likely that you’ll be struck by lightning. But why does our mind behave irrationally to such fears? If faced with a choice of eating a donut or letting a spider crawl over you, what would you rather do?  

Even though it’s more likely that eating donuts over a long time will cause death because of health risks, it seems absurd to run away from a donut or scream or ask the donut to be squashed.

This example exaggerates the situation a little, but regardless, it makes a valid point that its counterproductive to think about such risks. Don’t waste time thinking about them and learn to live with them, because the greatest risk is not having taken any in the first place.


Read more: edge