Tuesday, September 11, 2012


·         Confessions of a Seventh-Grade Texas History Teacher : Texas Monthly September 2012 http://bit.ly/QxMXkS

·         NEW SOUTH JOURNALISM: Fact-Checking Feature :: Oxford American - The Southern Magazine of Good Writinghttp://bit.ly/Ngtw0d

·         A president sidelined - The Washington Post http://bit.ly/QxYMri

·         Debt is Worse than You Think | Eli Dourado http://bit.ly/QxYMHV

·         Do Tech Entrepreneurs Need to Know How to Code? - Tech Europe - WSJ http://bit.ly/QxYOPU

·         HEALTHY MEAL TIME! (epic meal time parody) - YouTube http://bit.ly/Qy2DVa

·         The Ugliest Charts In The World: Economic Slowdown - Business Insider http://bit.ly/Qy7BkY

·         Eye-Popping Images Of Amazon's New Kindle Gadgets - Business Insider http://bit.ly/Qpuabr