Sunday, July 15, 2012

Contradiction of Wisdom

Almost every wise saying that I've ever heard has some sort of wise(or unwise) saying to contradict it. Take the following as an example:
- Actions speak louder than words.
-> The pen is mightier than the sword.

- Look before you leap.
-> He who hesitates is lost.

The more, the merrier.
-> Two’s company; three’s a crowd.

This inertia of self-correcting wisdom isn't anything new. In fact, as you experience every day life, you'll realize that not only do others provide contradicting wisdom; you will contradict yourself as well, and I find that to be quite fascinating as well.
Its not what we believe in today or tomorrow that actually makes the difference, but instead, its our ability to apply the wisdom and make the most of it is what actually drives change. 

I'll leave it up to you to decide which side of the wisdom coin to pick, but make sure you experience it to the fullest.