Friday, July 20, 2012

Copernicus Paradox

Nicolas Copernicus was the first person to formulate the idea that the earth is not the center of the universe and that there were countless galaxies and planets out there, and we were mildly a speck of dust in the sand; but this idea can be extended to how we see the world through our eyes and gives us a chance to recalibrate our thoughts.

But everything we see which is not to our scale doesn’t necessarily mean that its more interesting. The paradox lies in the fact that if we’re the only species that we know of who can make such observations, our ability to observe such things doesn’t make us that insignificant after all.

Even though you might see yourself as insignificant in this big world, the fact that you observed it, makes you significant, and that’s what you stand for in this universe.


Be well.