- 5:47 PMThis Is How To Advertise A Bank During A Banking Crisis read.bi/sMBUzA
Touching First Anniversary letter: From wife to husband | bit.ly/vqaQuM89
Sheryl Sandberg: 'The Most Important Career Choice You'll Make Is Who You Marry' read.bi/tNPWvr89
Ubokia - What do YOU want? | Reverse Craiglist ...and this is what you get | StumbleUpon bit.ly/uh6c1e89
Wal-Mart Joining Amazon to Promote Rage-Free Packaging: Retail - Businessweek - StumbleUponbit.ly/tDDt5089
Daily Kos: Why "High-Functioning" Psychopaths Rule The World - StumbleUpon bit.ly/urqR6x89
Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work | Video on TED.com - StumbleUpon bit.ly/upxtdk89
The Grandfather Paradox - 60-Second Adventures in Thought (2/6) - YouTube bit.ly/vmXbQc89
Corruption and development: Corrosive corruption | The Economist econ.st/vnqa7n89
Google’s Brin, wife donate $500,000 to keep Wikipedia going | MediaFile reut.rs/vezdsw
10:57 AM
Steve Jobs Was Right: Google IS Turning Into Microsoft read.bi/tbkcGQ
- 7:30 PMClimate change: The heat is on | The Economist econ.st/vQMk3y
- 8:13 PMPeople Are So Outraged At Coca-Cola's Holiday Cans That It's Abandoning Them After Just One Month read.bi/rL1d0z
- 9:16 PM9 Ways Sheryl Sandberg(Facebook COO) Became The Most Powerful Woman In Silicon Valleyread.bi/rg858G