- "One heartbeat from the President and not a single vote cast in my name - democracy is so over-rated"
- "There is no sacred ground for the conquered"
- "I won't leave one of my own bleeding on the field"
- "Mr. Vice President, what you're asking for is just shy of treason." "Just shy. Which is politics."
- "I've always loathed the necessity of sleep, like death it puts even the most powerful men on their backs"
- “I don’t know whether to be proud or terrified. Perhaps both.”
- "If you don't like you the table is set - turn it over"
- "He's in the darkness now and I'm the only beacon of light. Now we gently guide him toward the rocks"
- "There is nothing more disgraceful than running from a battle"
- "Should have thought of this before. Appeal to the heart, not the brain"
- "Not everyone can be on the right side of history"
- "We'll put this behind us. Just like we've always done"
- "I don’t know whether to be proud or terrified. Perhaps both"
- "You’re connecting dots that don’t exist"
Except for children. pic.twitter.com/zkDbdIaS1l
here are two types of vice presidents, doormats and matadors. pic.twitter.com/4tUJmj1Di9

One way or another, he gets his way. pic.twitter.com/b12FKCHakb